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What Liberal Women are Doing [214]

unknown (1892) What Liberal Women are Doing [214]. The Woman's Herald (Women's Penny Paper), 7 (214). p. 12.

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1) Bassingbourn: Mrs. E.O. Forham and Mrs. Goodman addressed a meeting at Bassingbourne, 2) Birmingham: At a joint meeting of the Men's and Women's Liberal Associations of Birmingham (Finedon), an address was given by Miss G.E. Southall, who urged the members to support the appointment of female factory and work inspectors. 3) Bridgeton: At their annual meeting at Bridgeton, Glasgow, the Association's president, Lady Trevelyan addressed the participants, recapitulating on the last year. 4) Bury: "Mrs. Newton gave an excellent address on "The Work before us," and ably pointed out that an interest in politics by no means precluded propper attention to household duties." 5) Camborne: "Miss Conybeare gave on Nov. 20th, in the Public Rooms, a lecture on South Africa, with limelight views. An audience of 1,500 people listened with the deepest interest to this lecture. At the conclusion a very hearty vote of thanks was given to Miss Conybeare for her address." 6) Chatham: At a conversazione, the Association's president, Mrs. Sinclair, gave an address on female suffrage. 7) Dulwich: At a meeting at the home of Mr. A. O. Hume, Dulwich, Mrs. Morgan-Browne gave an address on "Women's Clubs." 8) Glasgow: "On Nov. 22nd, under the auspices of the Central Gladstonian Liberal Association, an address on "Women's Sphere in Politics" was delivered by Miss Kellie, Secretary of the Scottish Women's Liberal Federation." 9) Haverfordwest: Mrs. William Davies spoke about the past and future work of the association, "[...] after which Mrs. Swann gave a stirring address on 'Liberal Principles in general." 10) Hornsey: Miss Hagemann gave "an excellent address" on Women Factory Inspectors. 11) Keighley: Mrs. Clayton read a paper on "The Duty of Mothers" at an Association meeting. 12) North Somerset, Portishead: At the annual meeting of the Association, several women spoke and moved resolutions, among them Mrs. T.G. Horton, Mrs. Arthur Tanner and Mrs. J.H. Perry. 13) Salford, North: At a meeting of the Association, Mrs. Elmy, of the Women's Emancipation Union, gave an address in support of female suffrage. 14) Shipley: "Mrs. Scatcherd on Nov. 24th delivered a lecture on 'What Freedom should Women claim to-day'" dwelling chiefly on marriage and divorce laws." 15) Warwick: Mrs. Bateson delivered a lecture on "Taxation." 16) Whitechapel: At a meeting to inaugurate a new WLA, Mrs. Charles Mallet addressed the assembled at some length, detailing the aims and workings of the Association, and urging women to unite in their fight for reform. 17) Wigton: Miss Moffat spoke at the annual tea and meeting assembly of the division of the WLF.

Item Type: Article
Categories: 1 Genre > 1.19 Miscellaneous
1 Genre > 1.20 News
1 Genre > 1.23 Proceedings
2 Content > 2.6 Emancipation/Feminism
2 Content > 2.12 Morals/Values/Virtues
2 Content > 2.15 Politics
2 Content > 2.16 Professions/Work
2 Content > 2.20 Society/Class
2 Content > 2.21 Suffragism/Women's Rights
3 Context > 3.5 Lecture
3 Context > 3.6 Meeting
3 Context > 3.8 Provincial
3 Context > 3.10 Urban/Metropolitan
4 Form of Participation > 4.2 Speaker
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.3 Mentioned with Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.4 Mentioned without Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.6 Summarised
Number of Pages: 1

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