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Women's Liberal Federation [6]

unknown (1893) Women's Liberal Federation [6]. The Woman's Herald (Women's Penny Paper), 1 (6). p. 94.

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1) Aberdare: At a meeting of the Women's Liberal Association at the Temperance Hall, presided over by Mrs. Gwilym James, Mrs. Wynford Philipps addressed the meeting on current political matters. 2) Bedford: At the annual meeting of the Association at Bedford, Mrs. Talbot presiding, 'a very forceful and vigurous address was given by Miss Florence Balgarnie" about the present Government's political accomplishments. 3) Bingley: At a meeting of the Association in the Co-Operative Assembly Rooms, Mrs. Brignall (Brighton) gave an address on 'Disestablishment.' 4) Cardigan: At the first annual meeting of this association at the local Guildhall, Countess Alice Kearney presented a 'most enthusiastic and stirring address.' 5) Carlisle: A social meeting was held in the Temperance Hall, which was presided over by Miss Palmer, and featured an address by Mrs. Maxwell (Longtown). 6) Denton: At the annual meeting of the Association at the People's Hall, chaired by Mrs. E. Harrison, Mrs. Mills read the annual report and Mrs. Winbolt addressed the meeting. 7) Eastbourne: "On the 21st inst. the third and last of a successful set of lectures on 'Irish History and the Home Rule Bill' was given by Miss Ellen Chapman, L.L.A., to a general audience invited by the W.L.A." 8) Gloucester: At a local meeting of the Association, held in the Assembly Room of the Liberal Club and chaired by Mrs. E.H. Percival, Miss G.E. Southall gave "an excellent address on 'The aims and Objects of Women's Liberal Associations." 9) Goldborne: Mrs. McLaren Ramsay 'delivered an interesting and practical address' at a meeting of the Association in the Assemly Room of the local Liberal Club. 10) Hazel-Grove: At the annual meeting of the Association, Mrs. J. Leigh presided, Mrs. Higginbotham read the report, Mrs. Kerr moved a resolution and Miss Morant addressed the assembled. 11) Nailsworth: At a very well visited meeting of the Association in the local Subscription Rooms, Mrs. Swann (Bristol) 'in an able speech' supported the resolution that the meeting supported the Liberal Government and believed that the Home Rule Bill will strengthen the bonds between England and Ireland. 12) Portsmouth: A meeting was held at the Hall of the Liberal Union and chaired by Mrs. Byerley. Mrs. Brignall gave a lecture on 'Disestablishment.' 13) Prudhoe: At a public tea and meeting, Mrs. Spence Watson and Miss Moffat spoke about Home Rule and the Direct Veto Bill. 14) St. Leonard's: At a meeting held at the Liberal Club and presided over by Mrs. Goodbody, Miss Hill gave an address about the objects of the Association. 15) West Marylebone: At a public meeting of the Association at Dauntless Hall, Mrs. Beaton presided and addressed the audience on Women in Local Governments.

Item Type: Article
Categories: 1 Genre > 1.18 Literary/Social Gossip
1 Genre > 1.19 Miscellaneous
1 Genre > 1.23 Proceedings
2 Content > 2.4 Education
2 Content > 2.6 Emancipation/Feminism
2 Content > 2.12 Morals/Values/Virtues
2 Content > 2.15 Politics
2 Content > 2.20 Society/Class
2 Content > 2.21 Suffragism/Women's Rights
3 Context > 3.4 Indoors
3 Context > 3.6 Meeting
3 Context > 3.8 Provincial
3 Context > 3.10 Urban/Metropolitan
3 Context > 3.11 Venue > 3.11.1 Church/Congregational/Parish Premises
3 Context > 3.11 Venue > 3.11.2 Drawing Room/Private Venue
3 Context > 3.11 Venue > 3.11.6 Public Performance Venue
3 Context > 3.11 Venue > 3.11.7 School(room)
3 Context > 3.11 Venue > 3.11.8 Town Hall / Meeting Venue
4 Form of Participation > 4.2 Speaker
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.3 Mentioned with Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.4 Mentioned without Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.5 Paraphrased
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.6 Summarised
Number of Pages: 1

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  2. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
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