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Art. I. - Recent Work of Women in Science

unknown (1895) Art. I. - Recent Work of Women in Science. The Englishwoman's Review (227). pp. 213-217.

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Report on addresses given by several women before the British Association. Mrs. Ayrton reads "a paper of a highly technical character [...] in the Mathematical Section," on "The Equation Connecting Difference of Potential Current and Length of Electric Arc." "Nina Lanyard read a paper on Ultimate Vital Units" in the Zoological Section, and in the Chemistry Section Dorothy Marshall reads "a joint paper, by Professor Ramsay and herself," on "A Method of Comparing the Heats of Evaporation of Different Liquids at their Boiling Points." The article mentions two further papers by Professor Ramsay, co-authored with Marshall and Miss E. Aston, respectively, as well as further joint or female-authored papers recorded in Royal Society proceedings from 1894. It further mentions that two women, Miss E. Brown and Miss C. Crommelin, have read papers before the British Astronomical Association, on a sun spot and the solar eclipse of 1896, respectively.

Item Type: Article
Categories: 1 Genre > 1.15 Journalist's Report
2 Content > 2.19 Sciences/Social Sciences
3 Context > 3.6 Meeting
4 Form of Participation > 4.2 Speaker
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.3 Mentioned with Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.4 Mentioned without Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.6 Summarised
Number of Pages: 5

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