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Signals from our Watch Tower [252]

unknown (1898) Signals from our Watch Tower [252]. The Woman's Signal, 10 (252). pp. 264-266.

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1)A report of the proceedings of the National Council of the United States, held in Omaha, Nebraska, is provided, together with a list of Sub-organizations which participated, and a selcetion of the topics of addresses that were given. Several women spoke at that convention, moved resolutions, or participated vocally in other ways. 2) It also mentions that "[a]n excellent public speaker is the Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava, who never hesitates to give an address on her own account when circumstances require one. She says that [...] on her return [from India] she found herself suddenly expected to be an orator. Well, her Excellency certainly has risen to meet the obligation admirably [...]." Her abilities, as well as her husband's support are detailed in the following. 3) An incident happening at the Emperor William festival of the Austrian branch of the German Anti-Alcohol league is mentioned, where the chairmen, an Austrian MP, refused to let a lady speak at the meeting. After the protest of some young businessmen she was allowed to address the meeting after all, and "[i]n a clear voice and in eloquent and moving terms [...]" she paid tribute to, and highlighted the importance ofthe late Empress Augusta.

Item Type: Article
Categories: 1 Genre > 1.15 Journalist's Report
1 Genre > 1.19 Miscellaneous
1 Genre > 1.23 Proceedings
2 Content > 2.5 Elocution
2 Content > 2.7 Family/Marriage
2 Content > 2.8 Foreign Content / Context
2 Content > 2.12 Morals/Values/Virtues
2 Content > 2.15 Politics
2 Content > 2.17 Relationships
2 Content > 2.23 Women's History
3 Context > 3.3 Conference/Congress
3 Context > 3.4 Indoors
3 Context > 3.7 Outdoors
3 Context > 3.9 Recital
3 Context > 3.10 Urban/Metropolitan
4 Form of Participation > 4.2 Speaker
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.3 Mentioned with Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.4 Mentioned without Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.6 Summarised
Number of Pages: 3

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  1. Fakultät für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Prof. Dr.

Anne-Julia Zwierlein

Research Assistants

Heide-Marie Weig, M. A.

Sebastian Graef, M. A.

Room: PT 3.2.43