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Record of Events [186]

unknown (1888) Record of Events [186]. The Englishwoman's Review (186). pp. 499-525.

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1) Royal University of Ireland - University College: The article reports that Jane Harrison, "whose lectures in Greek Art have won a high reputation for her," is a candidate for the Professorship of Archaeology. Mentions her current course of lectures on "the Cults and Monuments of Ancient Athens." 2) Girls' Lower School, Gloucester: During a prize distribution meeting, which is described as "memorable from the fact that it was the first time that ladies have taken part in the proceedings," two women speak. 3) The Approaching School Board Election: Mrs. Maitland, who stands for election, gives an address on policy. Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Matilda M. Evans also speak, and are paraphrased. 4) Woman's Suffrage - Manchester: Miss Becker, Mrs. Facett, and Mrs. Cotton are named as speakers at a meeting. Southport: Mrs. E. J. Rimmer presides at a "large public meeting," Mrs. Sherbrooke reads letters, and Mrs. Fawcett is named as "chief speaker." 5) Political Associations - Women's Liberal Unionist Association, Cornwall: The addresses given by Lady Trelawny and Mrs. Courtney at a "social gathering," on women's participation in politics, and Home Rule, are reproduced extensively. Courtney comments on her reluctance to speak publicly, and being sufficiently comfortable in the current context because she considers it "not quite" public. Women's Liberal Association - Darwen: Miss Ryley at a drawing-room meeting gives "a most able and instructive sketch of the formation and work of the Woman's Liberal League" of Southport. Southport: At the annual meeting of the Association's Division, Miss Ryley reads the report, "which recorded a year of active educational work, which included a large meeting last November to hear Mrs. Scatcherd speak." Cwmbran: "Mrs. Swann, of Bristol, gave an address on Women's Part in Political Work." 6) Registration of Midwives: At an "interesting meeting [...] to consider the present condition of the practice of midwifery," Miss Rosalind Paget reads a paper. Mrs. F. Malleson also gives "a valuable paper on the urgent need of training amongst country midwives," which is to appear in print. 7) Association of Irish Schoolmistresses: At the autumn general meeting, the secretary gives a report and Edith Oldham reads a paper on "The Music Schools of London." She answers questions during the subsequent discussion. 8) London Orangeism: A resolution moved at the monthly meeting of the Coronation Female Temperance L. O. L., is quoted. At the meeting, the secretary reads the minutes. 9) Buddhism. Lady Lecturers: "Mrs. Frederika Macdonald gave a lecture on 'Old Indian Poetry and Religious Thought," [and] she has also given a lecture on "Buddhism." Psychology: Miss M. C. Sturge "has recently given two courses of lectures of great interest to private audiences [...]. Miss Sturge has also lectured at Scarborough, and is now engaged in giving a course at York."

Item Type: Article
Categories: 1 Genre > 1.15 Journalist's Report
1 Genre > 1.20 News
2 Content > 2.1 Archaeology
2 Content > 2.2 Arts/Literature
2 Content > 2.4 Education
2 Content > 2.8 Foreign Content / Context
2 Content > 2.9 Health/Medicine
2 Content > 2.10 History
2 Content > 2.15 Politics
2 Content > 2.18 Religion/Faith/Bible Reading
2 Content > 2.20 Society/Class
3 Context > 3.4 Indoors
3 Context > 3.5 Lecture
3 Context > 3.6 Meeting
3 Context > 3.8 Provincial
3 Context > 3.10 Urban/Metropolitan
3 Context > 3.11 Venue > 3.11.2 Drawing Room/Private Venue
3 Context > 3.11 Venue > 3.11.3 Lecturing Institution
3 Context > 3.11 Venue > 3.11.9 University
4 Form of Participation > 4.2 Speaker
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.2 Excerpt
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.3 Mentioned with Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.4 Mentioned without Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.5 Paraphrased
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.6 Summarised
Number of Pages: 27

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  2. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
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Research Assistants

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