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Liberal News [158]

unknown (1891) Liberal News [158]. The Woman's Herald (Women's Penny Paper), 4 (158). p. 870.

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1) The Liberal Women of Liverpool: At a meeting of liberal women, Mrs. Egerton Stewart-Brown presided and spoke the opening remarks in which she mentioned the upcoming municipal elections and the need for more workers to tackle social and moral problems. Miss Ryley read a welcoming address to the Countess of Carlisle. The Countess of Carlisle gave an address in favour of female enfranchisement. She listed a number of reasons why women deserved to be given the vote. She also mentioned the upcoming elections as well as the issue of temperance. Eva McLaren also addressed the meeting. She said that women "carried the last Tory election" and added that she hoped women "would carry the next Liberal election." 2) Southern and South Western Counties Union of Women's Liberal Associations: Miss Ellen Chapman opened the meeting. She spoke about the plan to form a Southern and South Western Counties Women's Liberal Association. Miss Priestman gave a short address on "the spirit which should animate the Union." Some more speeches were delivered in the evening.

Item Type: Article
Categories: 1 Genre > 1.20 News
1 Genre > 1.23 Proceedings
2 Content > 2.6 Emancipation/Feminism
2 Content > 2.15 Politics
2 Content > 2.21 Suffragism/Women's Rights
3 Context > 3.4 Indoors
3 Context > 3.6 Meeting
3 Context > 3.8 Provincial
3 Context > 3.11 Venue > 3.11.8 Town Hall / Meeting Venue
4 Form of Participation > 4.1 Audience
4 Form of Participation > 4.2 Speaker
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.3 Mentioned with Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.5 Paraphrased
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.6 Summarised
Number of Pages: 1

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  1. Fakultät für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Prof. Dr.

Anne-Julia Zwierlein

Research Assistants

Heide-Marie Weig, M. A.

Sebastian Graef, M. A.

Room: PT 3.2.43