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Meetings of Liberal Women [36]

unknown (1893) Meetings of Liberal Women [36]. The Woman's Herald (Women's Penny Paper) (36). p. 576.

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1) At a well-attended meeting held at Barnstaple Music Hall, Mrs. J. Bradey moved a resolution, which was supported by Countess Kearney in "an able speech." Miss Billson later also addressed the meeting. 2) At a meeting of the Saltburn Branch Association of the Cleveland W.L.A. at the Liberal Reading Room, Miss Mazzetti, the secretary, read a paper on "The Origin and Growth of the Power of the English Parliament". 3) A meeting of the committees from Pembroke Dock, Pembroke and Tenby featured a speech by Mrs. Peerless on Disestablishment and Temperance Questions, as well as addresses by Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Tucker and other ladies. 4) At Everton Mrs. Stewart Brown gave a lecture on "Women and Municipal Reform." 5) Miss Gregory spoke at a meeting held at Bradford.

Item Type: Article
Categories: 1 Genre > 1.19 Miscellaneous
1 Genre > 1.20 News
1 Genre > 1.23 Proceedings
2 Content > 2.6 Emancipation/Feminism
2 Content > 2.15 Politics
3 Context > 3.4 Indoors
3 Context > 3.6 Meeting
3 Context > 3.8 Provincial
3 Context > 3.11 Venue > 3.11.6 Public Performance Venue
3 Context > 3.11 Venue > 3.11.8 Town Hall / Meeting Venue
4 Form of Participation > 4.2 Speaker
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.3 Mentioned with Title
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.4 Mentioned without Title
Number of Pages: 1

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  2. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
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Anne-Julia Zwierlein

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