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Hunted for her Money

unknown Hunted for her Money. The London Reader, 24 (617). pp. 425-427.

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"'Girls are brought up differently now-a-days from what they were when I was young,' she thought. 'What with women's rights' women, and women doctors, and women lecturers, and all these new-fangled notions, women are expected to be mannish, and there's not the care taken of young girls that there used to be. They must push and strive and fight their own way just as men do. It's a bad change. Women are not made to be men nor to act the part of men. They are weak, and should be cared for and watched over and sheltered.' And this conservative old lady sighed over the degeneration of these later days." [p.427]

Item Type: Article
Categories: 1 Genre > 1.12 Fiction
1 Genre > 1.12 Fiction > 1.12.1 Realism
2 Content > 2.16 Professions/Work
4 Form of Participation > 4.2 Speaker
5 Textualisation of Lecture > 5.4 Mentioned without Title
Number of Pages: 3

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  1. Fakultät für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Prof. Dr.

Anne-Julia Zwierlein

Research Assistants

Heide-Marie Weig, M. A.

Sebastian Graef, M. A.

Room: PT 3.2.43